This is going to be an exciting weekend for our friends at Metroplex Atheists down in Fort Worth, TX. Today, they will be holding their long-anticipated (and apparently to some people, highly controversial) event titled “Keep God out of our Public Schools.”

You may recall that we had to sue the City of Fort Worth over their refusal to allow Metroplex Atheists to hang promotional banners about this event along the street lights in the city. This was despite the fact that the group had completed the application properly, and had done a similar promotion a few years ago.

So the local group members did the next best thing last weekend: they coordinated a protest walk to make their voices heard.

This is a perfect example of what a local group can accomplish, and why we support our affiliates around the country in their efforts. Our legal team will guide the group through the lawsuit, and we will help with media outreach, promotion, and other outreach.

Together, we are standing up to Christian nationalists who both force their agenda on our citizens, and try to silence those of us who speak up.

This is why we support our local affiliates and grassroots groups all across the country. Whether in the reddest red state or the bluest blue state, our members on the ground can directly tackle the issues that are most important to us as atheists.

And, just as importantly, you can find a community of like-minded people who you can count on to be there through thick and thin.

If activism isn’t an option for you right now, you can still help support community organizing on the ground in all 50 states by joining American Atheists with a monthly donation. Whether you contribute $5, $10, $35 a month or more, you know that we will invest your donation in efforts like the fight against Christian nationalism. Unlike our opponents, we don’t have shady billionaires funding our work. We rely on members like you.

Kudos again to our wonderful volunteers in Fort Worth and around the country.


Nick Fish

P.S.: Our groundbreaking U.S. Secular Survey found that being a member of a local atheist group helps people connect to each other and to their community. Check out our listing of local affiliates, or get in touch with the American Atheist state director in your state! You’ll be glad you did. Being involved in issues you care about feels great, and it leads to big changes that benefit everyone!

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

American Atheists
225 Cristiani Street
Cranford, NJ 07016
United States

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