NYC Atheists also sponsors numerous specialty groups and community activities including:

  • Street Tabling – On Saturdays during the summer we man a booth at Columbus Circle in front of the Time Warner Building to engage with interested passers-by about atheism.
  • Author’s Group – This invitation-only group is dedicated to helping atheist authors to find their literary voice and ultimately get published. Contact group leader Jane Everhart if interested.
  • Blood Donation Drives
  • Holiday Parties
  • Atheist-themed Stage and Film Events

Check our calendar for upcoming events!

The following are our regular meetings that we have on Wednesdays and Fridays.

NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting
Wednesdays: 8:30PM – 10:00PM

The Atheists/Secular Meetup

All are welcome!
Including those who are not Atheists and are inquiring. Agnostics, non-theists, freethinkers, and theists, too!
Atheism is not a belief, a religion, a faith, or an opinion. It is a conclusion.

Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected.

Meeting Agenda
Currents Events impacting Atheists
US Supreme Court
NYCA Events

The Atheists / Secular Meetup
Place: Meetup (Zoom Meeting)
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 8:30 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Rev. # 7
Host and President: Ken Bronstein
1. Reasons for their interest in attending the NYC Atheist / Secular Meetup
2. Visitor’s Philosophical viewpoint expressed
B-Members’ response to visitor’s current viewpoint
II-AGENDA (Issues {Set Time limit observed per Issue})
A-Atheists / Secular (humanist) News Reports
1. Discussion
2.Action to take
B-Review and resolve issues of previous meetings
C-New Activities or Guest Speaker’s Presentation
1. Video, Displays Etc.
2. Q&A
III-CHIT-CHAT (Time permitting).
A-Political / Social

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 774 425 6001
Passcode: 700g03
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,7744256001#,,,,*710532# US
+16468769923,,7744256001#,,,,*710532# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 360 209 5623 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 774 425 6001
Passcode: 710532
Find your local number:


Meetings are private despite being open to the public. Recordings are prohibited. You may share what you learned, but not direct quotes and identities.

Let it be known and agreed upon, that NYC Atheists Inc. is a §501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization. We are obligated to follow all the rules required by the IRS. Therefore, according to the IRS, There will be NO ELECTIONEERING either by discussing or by electronic means of either approving or disapproving a “Candidate or any Process” thereof as written in the IRS’s §501(c)(3) requirements. Otherwise, at our discretion only, we will stop the unapproved discussion and or electronic display by the individual we feel is at fault for that action. If one persists in going against this bylaw or is very disruptive, that we have the right to remove that person or persons from our “Zoom” meetings and report them to the appropriate authorities.

By joining in our “Zoom” meeting, you have agreed to follow the above Statement.

NYC Atheists In-Person Meeting
2nd Fridays: 7:00PM-8:00PM
Gramercy Park Towers

The Atheists/Secular Meetup

All are welcome!
Including those who are not Atheists and are inquiring. Agnostics, non-theists, freethinkers, and theists, too!
Atheism is not a belief, a religion, a faith, or an opinion. It is a conclusion.

BYOB (no hard liquors)/Potluck
Pizza Provided by NYC Atheists
Donations Appreciated but Not Required

Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected.

Default Location:
Gramercy Park Towers
205 3rd Ave Apt 6H
New York NY 10003-2542
Between 18th &19th Streets

  • Location is subject to change. Check our website calendar and Meetup pages for NYC Atheists and Gotham Atheists for updates and changes.

Closest Transit:
M101, M102, M103: 3rd Av/E 17th St
M15: 2nd Av/E 20th St
M14A-SBS, M14D-SBS: E 14 St/3 Av, E 14 St/Irving Pl
M1, M2, M3: Union Sq E/E 15 St
L: 3rd Av
4, 5, 6, N, R, Q, W: 14 St–Union Sq

Our friends at Gotham Atheists are having a back-to-back meeting after this event, 8:00PM-11:00PM. Feel free to stick around for their meeting.

Live DWA
Gotham Atheists

RULES for In-Person Meeting:

Meetings are private despite being open to the public. Recordings are prohibited. You may share what you learned, but not direct quotes and identities.
Let it be known and agreed upon, that NYC Atheists Inc. is a §501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization. We are obligated to follow all the rules required by the IRS. Therefore, according to the IRS, There will be NO ELECTIONEERING either by discussing or by electronic means of either approving or disapproving a “Candidate or any Process” thereof as written in the IRS’s §501(c)(3) requirements. Otherwise, at our discretion only, we will stop the unapproved discussion and or electronic display by the individual we feel is at fault for that action. If one persists in going against this bylaw or is very disruptive, that we have the right to remove that person or persons from our meetings and report them to the appropriate authorities.

By joining in our meeting, you have agreed to follow the above Statement.

NYC Atheists In-Person Meeting
1st & 4th Fridays: 7:00PM-9:00PM
NYSEC Meeting House: Ceremonial Hall

All are welcome!

BYOB (no hard liquors)/Potluck
Donations Appreciated but Not Required

Donate Here via Ethical NYC to Support this Event

Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected.

Default Location:
New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W 64th St
New York NY 10023-7179
+1 (212) 874-5210
[email protected]

  • Location is subject to change for special events. Check website calendars and Meetup pages for various groups for updates and changes.
  • Default room is Ceremonial Hall on the 4th Floor. Room is subject to change depending on capacity or activity. Check for any posted signs.
  • Use the wheelchair ramp entrance at the Meeting House NOT the Fieldston School. Press both doorbells if the door is locked. The elevator and stairs are right there to take to the 4th floor.

Closest Transit:
1: 66 St-Lincoln Center
A, B, C, D, 1: 59 St-Columbus Circle
M10: Central Park W/W 64 St
M10, M20: Central Park W/W 63 St
M66: W 65 St/Central Park W
M5, M7, M104: Broadway/W 63 St

Our friends at various groups are cross-posting this event. Some groups have after-parties.

Drinking Inquisitively
Center for Inquiry – NYC Branch

Humanist Happy Hour
The City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism

FTI: Thinkers Multi-group BYOB potluck
Free Thinkers Institute

Live DWA
Gotham Atheists

Humanist Happy Hour
New York Society for Ethical Culture

NYC Atheists In-Person Meeting

Cross-group Happy Hour at Ethical Culture
Secular Humanists Society of New York

RULES for In-Person Meeting:

  1. GROUP PROMOTION: Each group may bring flyers or posters advertising membership, donations, and meetings.
  2. DRINKING: Bring your own booze should be limited to beer and wine, no hard liquors. Everyone should drink responsibly and don’t get sloshed. Save the hard drinking for the after parties in outside bars.
  3. RESPECT FOR DIFFERENCES: While there is overlap among the groups, not every group is the same and thinks the same. Respect each other’s differences and different ideologies. Look for common ground not for things to hate. We’re all friends here, treat each other as such.
  4. ARGUMENTS: Listen to each other’s opinion completely in good faith. Ask questions about other’s points instead of immediately dismissing. Approach taboo subjects–such as sex, religion, and politics–with strangers cautiously; back out if getting heated. Agree to disagree and walk away if necessary.
  5. RESPECT FOR THE MEETING HOUSE: Use appropriate trash/recycling cans and clean up after yourselves. Leave the Meeting House better than you found it. Respect the neighborhood, don’t act foolishly on the streets when entering and leaving or loitering.
  6. NO ELECTIONEERING: Due to tax restrictions for many groups being §501(c)(3) tax-exempt, do not discuss, promote, denigrate, or leave/display/hand out materials for any candidate, campaign, party, or proposition on any upcoming election. No electioneering during the event. Other activities prohibited by tax-restrictions are also not allowed.
  7. SELF-RECOGNITION: Try to speak from your own experiences and own your intentions and impacts. Recognize your own privileges and different backgrounds.
  8. CONFIDENTIALITY: Meetings are private despite being open to the public. Recordings are prohibited. You may share what you learned, but not direct quotes and identities.
  9. MEETING MODERATION: The organizers, hosts, co-hosts, moderators, and discussion leaders will use various methods available to ensure compliance with the rules and maintain decorum.

Attending any meeting or event implies agreement with the above rules.