Right now, we are suing the City of Fort Worth for discriminating against the local atheist group, Metroplex Atheists.

The city has permitted downtown banners for Christian organizations, including Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Texas Christian University—but denied Metroplex Atheists the same request.

“You may not agree with our message, but we still have a right because of the First Amendment to share our message with people, and they’re saying ‘but not in our city,'” Metroplex Atheists board member Julie Weston told UPI.

Last week, a judge denied our motion for a preliminary injunction in the case—but things are far from over. Our lawsuit will continue as planned. Despite the temporary setback, the law is on our side.

As Hemant Mehta explained, “The same judge apparently made the same argument in a different case…and his decision was later overturned by an appellate court.”

We will not rest until Fort Worth atheists receive the same rights as all other groups. This is a fight on behalf of all nonreligious Americans—in Texas and all throughout the country.

In the meantime, Metroplex Atheists are making the best of this situation. Today, they are organizing a “Banner Walk,” marching along the sidewalks of downtown, holding the banners the City of Fort Worth should have put up.

Both the lawsuit—and Metroplex Atheists’ activism—are raising the visibility of atheists in Fort Worth and Texas.

“I truly believe that Fort Worth saying, ‘We will not allow you to hang your banners in our city,’ and us taking the actions that we did got us more publicity than anyone could have anticipated,” said Julie Weston.

Help ensure that this lawsuit can go as far as it needs to—even to the appellate level. Make a tax-deductible donation of $15, $50, or more to ensure that this lawsuit has all the resources needed. We cannot let anti-atheist discrimination win.


Nick Fish

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

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