We are pleased to announce the publication of the fifth edition of the State of the Secular States report! This groundbreaking report on state laws and policies that affect religious equality and the separation of religion and government has been expanded and updated based on the 2022 legislative session. The report examines more than 50 measures of law, both positive and negative, in every state as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

This report is intended to be a powerful tool for advocates and lawmakers, explaining the laws and policies that affect the separation of religion and government in their states and allowing them to set meaningful and achievable advocacy goals. It is more important than ever for atheists to become engaged in state advocacy to protect civil rights and the separation of religion and government. Register now to learn about the 2022 State of the Secular States report and other advocacy resources American Atheists provides to support state advocacy and what we can expect in the 2023 state legislative session!

Our Presenters:

Alison Gill is American Atheists’ Vice President for Legal & Policy, managing the organization’s federal and state advocacy for religious equality and litigation activities to protect the separation of religion and government. Alison is a nationally recognized expert on civil rights law and state advocacy. She directs American Atheists’ legal and legislative advocacy strategy and represents American Atheists in Washington DC.

Brittany Williams is American Atheists’ State Policy Counsel and is responsible for state legislative advocacy and engaging with local coalitions and advocates. Brittany has an extensive background in human rights and victim-centered advocacy with experience in immigrant rights, reproductive justice, and criminal justice reform. Prior to her work with American Atheists, Brittany worked with #VOTEPROCHOICE and the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN).

Nick Fish is the president of American Atheists, serving since 2018. Fish first joined American Atheists in 2012 and has spent more than a decade defending the separation of religion and government, advocating for equality under the law, and protecting civil rights for all Americans.

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

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