One of our organization’s missions is “to create an environment where casual bigotry against our community is seen as abhorrent and unacceptable.” And we are making progress here.Through two recent lawsuits, we’re helping raise awareness about anti-atheist discrimination—to fight it. And this is working! We’ve received an outpouring of support from the religious and atheists…

For a second day in a row, we have important legal news for you.In a sweeping 60-page ruling issued yesterday, a federal judge found in favor of Andrew Miller, an atheist and Secular Humanist, who has been forced to participate in religious substance abuse treatment as a condition for his parole.We brought this case in…

We want you to be among the first to know that we just filed a lawsuit on behalf of Metroplex Atheists in Fort Worth, Texas.Hemant Mehta at The Friendly Atheist has a post with all the details, but here’s the abbreviated version:For years, the City of Fort Worth has permitted any nonprofit organization, including Metroplex…

This week, it was revealed that the New Orleans archdiocese—the second-oldest in the country—has been concealing a serial child molester for decades. This comes in the wake of a report that more than 450 Catholic leaders in Illinois abused nearly 2,000 children.Yet Christian extremists would have you believe that LGBTQ people are the “groomers.” That…

This week, a Christian nationalist state lawmaker in Texas spread disinformation about us—and about religious liberty.On Tuesday, Texas State Senator Mayes Middleton took to Twitter to defend SB 17 and SB 19, two bills that would allow teachers and administrators to force prayer on students.“American atheists hate my bill putting prayer back in public schools—[this…

This week, Christian evangelist Pat Robertson died—but not his brand of Christian nationalism.Indeed, many extremists are still living in Pat Robertson’s alternative reality—and they’ve hijacked our country.Last year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and this year we are witnessing a deluge of anti-LGBTQ, anti-atheist, and Christian-supremacist bills across our country.Like so many Christian…

Last December, New York Governor Kathy Hochul inexplicably vetoed our Secular Recovery Bill.We denounced Gov. Hochul’s betrayal of secular New Yorkers, preventing atheists, agnostics, and other nonreligious people from being informed of their constitutional right to access secular addiction treatment programs instead of forcing them into religion-centered options like Alcoholics Anonymous.Despite this setback, we didn’t…

This week, we won an important victory in our lawsuit against the state of Mississippi.Government officials have removed “In God We Trust” from the state’s new license plate design.Getting everything we wanted and more, we have withdrawn our federal lawsuit.“Mississippians will no longer be forced to act as billboards for the state’s preferred Christian message,”…

Since 2019, May has been recognized as Sex Ed for All Month, as part of a national effort spearheaded by a coalition of sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations committed to ensuring equitable and accessible sex education for all young people. Sex education gives young people age-appropriate, medically accurate information and answers to…

You can disagree with President Biden for a whole host of reasons. But when it comes to education, the Biden Administration did the right thing this week.The Department of Education released guidance instructing school staff to refrain from praying with students.This guidance was needed. After the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Kennedy v. Bremerton, Christian…

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