This year’s midterm elections proved how important the nonreligious voting bloc is—and people are finally realizing it. Nonreligious Americans “are making their presence felt,” wrote Associated Press reporter Peter Smith about the outcome of the midterm elections. As the AP reported, we are now 22% of the electorate! That makes us just as powerful of…

The Secular Recovery Bill (A.8163/S.7313) is a life-saving bill. It would ensure that atheists and religious minorities in court-ordered rehab programs can recover, without religion forced on them. But now Governor Hochul is threatening to veto this legislation. We must encourage her to protect New Yorkers from attacks on their religious freedom when they’re at their…

It too often goes unsaid that nonreligious people around the world face stigma, discrimination, and persecution. To draw attention to this problem, we held a launch event in Washington D.C. for Humanists International’s 2022 Freedom of Thought Report, which assesses how every country in the world treats humanists, atheists, and other nonreligious people. And we…

Ricky Gervais And Stephen Colbert Go Head-To-Head On Religion – The Late Show with Stephen Colbert – Feb 02, 2017Ricky Gervais proves a formidable opponent for Stephen in a spirited conversation about belief, religion and atheism.

The cost of being an atheist (Documentary) – BBC News Africa – Nov 6, 2022On April 5th 2022, Mubarak Bala – the president of the Humanist Association of Nigeria – plead guilty to charges attached to blasphemy. The sentence that followed caused shockwaves throughout the country, reverberating around the world, and placing the threats to…

By Dale Hansen, Political Blogger, Detroit News. From the responses to an article I wrote examining the concerns of conservative Christians over Tennessee schools’ teaching the five pillars of Islam…by far the most outrage centered on my statements regarding the separation of Church and State. “Where exactly in the U.S. Constitution does it address ‘separation…

By Ken Bronstein. In our July / August 2016 NYC Atheists newsletter we explained the critical importance of being a single-ticket voter in November. Only an across-the-board Democratic victory can prevent a Republican-controlled Congress from approving conservative Justices (like Antonin Scalia) to the Supreme Court. Note: there may be as many as four seats in…

By Phil Zuckerman. Whenever tragedy strikes in America, some conservative politician or pundit will inevitably blame it on secularism. In the aftermath of the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, for example, Fox host Bill O’Reilly cited weakening religion as the culprit. “As the world becomes more secular,” he declared, “civilized restraints to bad…

By Tyson Gill. Over the years I have attended a fair number of rallies for various progressive causes. Many frankly left me feeling kind of disheartened and embarrassed. They were often a circus of special interests with everyone vying to draw attention to their own pet causes and showing no apparent interest in the subject…

By Ken Bronstein. The conventions are coming! From July 18-21 in Cleveland (Republican) and July 25-28 in Philadelphia (Democratic), delegates will confirm their Presidential nominees—Trump and Clinton. They will also confirm the vice-Presidential running mates. Their other important business will be to write and ratify their party’s platform. Pay close attention to it—for yourself and…

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