For decades, we have called for the end of the National Prayer Breakfast.This Christian nationalist event is dangerous. Every year, lawmakers from both parties have come together and promoted the myth that the U.S. is a Christian nation. That ideology helps justify the Supreme Court’s and state legislatures’ attacks on our human and civil rights.Just…

Amazon Smile has been a significant source of income for American Atheists, and for many other nonprofit organizations. Through this program, Amazon donated 0.5% of a customer’s purchase to the charity of the customer’s choice.Sadly, Amazon just announced that they’re terminating the program. That means we, like many nonprofits, face the challenge of filling this…


In most states across the country, legislatures opened two weeks ago—and that means a huge influx of legislation. Right now, we’re tracking 503 bills. Many of them are full of hate and discrimination, and specifically Christian nationalism. Others are positive and advance our rightsEvery day, I write testimony to lawmakers, asking them to pass, reject,…

We are pleased to announce the publication of the fifth edition of the State of the Secular States report! This groundbreaking report on state laws and policies that affect religious equality and the separation of religion and government has been expanded and updated based on the 2022 legislative session. The report examines more than 50…

We did it! This week, the Biden Administration acted to have nine agencies once again protect vulnerable people from discrimination in the name of religion.In December 2020, the Trump Administration pushed through changes to let federally funded service providers discriminate against people, force religious programming on them, and refuse to refer them to a non-discriminatory…

New York’s ScorecardWe are excited to share the new State of the Secular States Report with you today. This is our fifth annual report looking at state-level law and policy that affects religious equality and the separation of church and state. Our advocates across the country have found it to be an essential resource. It’s…

Registration is open for our 2023 National Convention in sunny Phoenix, Arizona from April 6–9!Get ready for four amazing days of speakers, social events, workshops, and our “Two Hands Working” service project—all of this in the company of hundreds and hundreds of fellow atheists from across the country.American Atheists’ National Convention is the one event…

I love my job. Raising money for a cause that is near and dear to me is a privilege. And our field has, without a doubt, the most interesting supporters. There’s not a dull one in the bunch, and I’m thrilled that I’m getting to know more and more of you personally.Some things might surprise…

What a year it’s been! Today is the perfect opportunity to take a moment to reflect on our work.Before I get into that, I would also like to hear what your experience has been!How have the issues we tackled affected you? What areas do you think should receive more attention in 2023? And what are…

Last Friday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul betrayed New Yorkers and all nonreligious voters: she vetoed the Secular Recovery Bill.The Secular Recovery Bill would have guaranteed nonreligious New Yorkers access to secular addiction treatment programs—instead of forcing them into religion-centered options like Alcoholics Anonymous.This life-saving legislation had passed both the New York Senate and Assembly…

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