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March 2024

8:30 pm — 10:00 pm
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Zoom Meeting

NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting Wednesdays: 8:30PM – 10:00PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7744256001?pwd=ZXBVWVc1SjlmaitQMDU0TjB3ekRXZz09 BELIEVE IN GOD · LOSE ALL REALITY The Atheists/Secular Meetup All are welcome! Including those who are not Atheists and are inquiring. Agnostics, non-theists, freethinkers, and theists, too! Atheism is not a belief, a religion, a faith, or an opinion. It is a conclusion. Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected. Meeting Agenda Currents Events impacting Atheists US Supreme Court Legislation NYCA Events Follow-up The Atheists / Secular Meetup Place: Meetup (Zoom…

April 2024

8:30 pm — 10:00 pm
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Zoom Meeting

NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting Wednesdays: 8:30PM – 10:00PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7744256001?pwd=ZXBVWVc1SjlmaitQMDU0TjB3ekRXZz09 BELIEVE IN GOD · LOSE ALL REALITY The Atheists/Secular Meetup All are welcome! Including those who are not Atheists and are inquiring. Agnostics, non-theists, freethinkers, and theists, too! Atheism is not a belief, a religion, a faith, or an opinion. It is a conclusion. Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected. Meeting Agenda Currents Events impacting Atheists US Supreme Court Legislation NYCA Events Follow-up The Atheists / Secular Meetup Place: Meetup (Zoom…

8:30 pm — 10:00 pm
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Zoom Meeting

NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting Wednesdays: 8:30PM – 10:00PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7744256001?pwd=ZXBVWVc1SjlmaitQMDU0TjB3ekRXZz09 BELIEVE IN GOD · LOSE ALL REALITY The Atheists/Secular Meetup All are welcome! Including those who are not Atheists and are inquiring. Agnostics, non-theists, freethinkers, and theists, too! Atheism is not a belief, a religion, a faith, or an opinion. It is a conclusion. Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected. Meeting Agenda Currents Events impacting Atheists US Supreme Court Legislation NYCA Events Follow-up The Atheists / Secular Meetup Place: Meetup (Zoom…