In the 2012 feature film Jack Reacher, Tom Cruise plays the title role of a military police officer working in an elite investigations unit. While tracking down a rogue ex-military assassin, Jack observes that: “There are four types of people who join the military. For some, it’s family trade. Others are patriots, eager to serve….

When we argue with believers, inevitably the moment arrives when they scold us, as if we are daft: “But god must exist,” they say. “How else did we get here! Planets, stars and people just don’t happen by accident. There had to be a creator.” I usually reply, “If you want to argue that god…

Over the last few years the Conservative Right has public schools, or any political subdivisions of the launched a massive campaign of state-by-state State from making laws respecting an establishment of legislation to advance its agenda. The campaign is religion.” unprecedented in sheer volume and audacity. They  have clearly decided that whatever they cannot According…

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland  A few weeks ago there was a bit of a dust-up among New York City Atheists over the use of the word ‘spiritual.’ There…

Over the last few years the Conservative Right has launched a massive campaign of state-by-state legislation to advance their agenda. It is unprecedented in sheer volume and audacity. They have clearly decided that whatever they cannot accomplish at the national level they will force through by sheer persistence and at the states level. As part…

November 6th was a day of victory for facts and reason. It was a day when a majority of Americans finally said enough is enough to the brazen overreach of political and religious extremism. They said enough to the avarice of the 1%: enough to big money buying elections, enough to the systematic dismantling of…

We live in interesting times, especially here in America. This election year we have reached a critical point of no return in the ascension of two powerful movements; religious influence over social policy and corporate influence over economic policy. If we fail to push back on both of these this year, it will take generations…

On March 24th we Atheists will rally in Washington D.C. to seek parity in a nation that mostly marginalizes nonbelievers. Some people may wonder: How are Atheists a persecuted class? How are Atheists discriminated against? We have the right to vote, we can sit in the front of buses and we can get legally married….

We all know this infamous story but it can’t be repeated often enough. In a 2007 GOP Presidential debate, the moderator asked if any of the candidates did not believe in evolution. Three leading hopefuls for the highest office in our land raised their hands. Those candidates included Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), Arkansas Governor Mike…

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