Post Election Town Hall
November 12, 8:00 pm ET

Join American Atheists staff and volunteers for a virtual Town Hall in response to the recent election and the significant shifts we’re seeing in U.S. leadership. With Donald Trump and Christian Nationalist allies taking control of the White House and Senate, our secular community faces new challenges as we work to uphold the separation of religion and government. While the majority of Americans reaffirmed their support for public education, reproductive rights, and other secular policies, voters simultaneously elected leaders who oppose them. American Atheists is committed to bold and fearless advocacy during this critical time, and we invite you to join us for an open discussion on our action plans, concerns, and opportunities to protect civil rights in the years ahead.

Our presenters:
Nick Fish is the president of American Atheists, serving since 2018. Fish first joined American Atheists in 2012 and has spent more than a decade defending the separation of religion and government, advocating for equality under the law, and protecting civil rights for all Americans.

Debbie Goddard is the Vice President of Programs at American Atheists. She has over two decades of experience as an organizer and activist, including fifteen years at the Center for Inquiry. Debbie led CFI’s outreach campaigns and was director of African Americans for Humanism.

Geoffrey Blackwell joined American Atheists in September 2016. As litigation counsel, he responds to reports of potential violations of the separation between religion and government, works with government officials to find mutually acceptable solutions to issues, and manages litigation if issues cannot be resolved amicably.

Sam McGuire has a varied background in counseling, education, event planning and volunteer management. As National Field Director, she works with local grassroots activists, volunteers and affiliates to help them engage on emerging local civil rights issues, advocate for state level legislation, and build thriving communities.

Melina Cohen grew up in rural Iowa and was an outspoken advocate for the separation of church and state from an early age. Prior to joining American Atheists, Melina spent six years fighting harmful school privatization legislation in Nebraska, developing a deep understanding of education policy, a highly effective style of advocacy communications, and a strong aversion to the outsized influence of the religious lobby on government.

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

American Atheists
225 Cristiani Street
Cranford, NJ 07016
United States

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