It is undeniable that our secular government is under attack. We face an ascendent white Christian nationalist movement, a renegade Supreme Court more concerned with imposing religion than upholding law, and a growing populism that disdains the very idea of democracy.

Every day, we learn about betrayals of our fundamental constitutional principles by lawmakers who are sworn to defend them. From finding new ways to inject religion into public schools to diverting funding to private, religious schools; from undermining access to health care to manipulating the courts to bring new challenges to long-resolved constitutional protections; it seems the forces of theocracy are tireless. And too many ideologically biased courts are eager to accept such challenges so they can enshrine religious favoritism into our laws.

This is why we atheists must fight to rebuild one of the most important bulwarks protecting our civil rights and secular democracy: the separation between religion and government. For decades, atheists have been at the forefront of opposing religious coercion by the government. American Atheists’ very founding is rooted in this fight, as Madalyn Murray O’Hair founded the organization shortly after her victory over mandatory school prayer before the U.S. Supreme Court.

But the simple fact is we can no longer merely rely on courts to enforce our constitutional rights and safeguards. The courts have been paralyzed—even subverted—by those eager to overturn our constitutional order; we must reform them.

We can’t only work to oppose bad legislation; we must fight for positive change at every level of government to rebuild the crumbling wall of separation between religion and government.

And though we atheists are a growing population, we cannot do it alone. We must join with the many partners who share our values and our commitment to civil rights and democracy.

Our newly launched strategic plan makes it crystal clear that we’re going to keep fighting for our secular government.

That fight will not be limited to state legislatures and Congress. It’s going to happen in courtrooms, school boards, and city councils. And we’ll be there, too.

This comprehensive strategy needs a broad base of support from members like you. Please consider an additional donation today for this project. It’s good to have you by our side. With your help, we can stop the Christian nationalist assault on our constitutional rights and fortify the separation between religion and government.

We can do this—together.

Alison Gill
Vice President, Legal and Policy

PS: You can be active in your community by signing up for action alerts. Your voice matters, and being engaged with these issues is crucial to the success of our movement.

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

American Atheists
225 Cristiani Street
Cranford, NJ 07016
United States

Copyright 2015 NYCA
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