Hi folks,

Today, American Atheists joins a coalition of 16 national atheist, humanist, freethought, and other secular groups in a joint statement pledging to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. American Atheists stands with our trans members, supporters, staff, and constituents, and we will continue to advocate for policies that uphold the dignity, respect, and equality of the LGBTQ+ community and all Americans whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by the Christian nationalist ideology. Our full statement and the coalition letter can be found here.

We are also including a separate letter for our affiliates, state directors, and SAT volunteers to sign onto, if they wish. That can be found here.

(This will be cross-posted to a few places — sorry for any repeat emails)


Sam McGuire she/her
Director of Grassroots Organizing & Advocacy
American Atheists | www.atheists.org | [email protected] | 908.279.0683

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) national civil rights organization dedicated to achieving political equality and social inclusion for atheists and other nonreligious people through advocacy, education, and community building. Please support our work, and sign up for email updates,

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