This Wednesday, the Colorado Board of Health unanimously adopted rules to implement the Patients’ Right to Know Act (HB23-1218). Although the Act was officially signed into law on May 10, 2023, its passage kicked off an implementation process that resulted in these rules. Now adopted, I am excited to announce this law will go into full effect on October 1, 2024.

This new law will considerably improve the ability of Coloradans, including our 1,200 members there, to access information about available health care services, allow them to make informed decisions when choosing a medical care provider, and help them avoid being denied care for nonmedical reasons, including others’ religious beliefs.

American Atheists worked diligently to pass both the law and its rules. We provided written and oral testimony. We participated in a number of public meetings and provided significant feedback at every stage of the process. And we’re proud of our work: HB 1218’s implementation is an important step toward raising awareness about denial of care. It will protect patients, reduce harm, and serve as a model for legislatures and boards of health across the country.

Hospitals and other health care facilities too often fail to publicly disclose their service restrictions, denying patients not only care but also the information necessary to make critical decisions about their health and wellbeing. The recent consolidation of hospitals, especially in rural areas, has exacerbated the issue. For example, in Colorado, 42% of all births occur in hospitals that restrict reproductive care, the second highest level of any state in the nation.

Denial of care is a common occurrence at religious hospitals (which are increasingly the only option for rural Americans); however, research shows both religious and secular institutions in Southern states frequently deny reproductive and LGBTQ services. 
Denial of care is a common occurrence at religious hospitals (which are increasingly the only option for rural Americans); however, research shows both religious and secular institutions in Southern states frequently deny reproductive and LGBTQ services. 

All of this has very real and potentially dire consequences for those who have been denied services. No patient should ever have to learn in the midst of an emergency that the hospital they’ve chosen will not provide the evidence-based services they need. We firmly believe patients’ medical needs should come first, not be subordinate to the religious beliefs of providers, executives, or institutions.

I am so proud of what our staff and volunteers have accomplished in Colorado, but we have more work to do. Federal law and the law in many states currently, unconscionably allows for nonmedical denial of medical care. So we urgently need to bring this kind of transparency legislation to more states.

We’ve proven progress is possible, but our work wouldn’t be without your continued support. Please join me in giving a special one-time gift of $47 today, representing the 47 states that still need our help to pass a transparency law! Together, we’ll keep passing bold and innovative legislation to advance equality and protect the rights of atheists and nonreligious Americans.

Thank you,

Alison Gill
Vice President, Legal & Policy

PS: Any new member who donates $47 (or more) today will receive a membership card and a subscription to our quarterly magazine, American Atheist. But don’t wait! In order to receive the forthcoming pre-election issue, which will include an article about denial of care, you must give today.

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

American Atheists
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