American Atheists has been sounding the alarm about Project 2025 for quite some time. This week, it’s been all over the news, and that’s a good thing: Voters need to know what’s at stake this November.

The surge in media attention prompted Trump to distance himself from the Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership,” denying he knows anything about it (while also wishing them luck). His denial is implausible considering a CNN review revealed more than half of Project 2025’s authors, editors, and contributors have ties to the former president, including at least 140 who worked for his administration. There’s also a 2022 video of Trump saying, “[The Heritage Foundation is] going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do.”

Also this week:

Finally, we need to talk about Oklahoma, where, two weeks ago, State Superintendent Ryan Walters directed all public schools to teach the Christian Bible. It wasn’t immediately clear what he meant by “incorporating” the religious text into classroom instruction, other than that noncompliant teachers could lose their licenses. Now there’s no doubt.

This Tuesday, Walters issued a press statement announcing a “complete overhaul” of Oklahoma’s social studies standards to be developed by an “Executive Review Committee” that will “incorporate the introduction of the Bible as an instructional resource” and “inspire in students a love of country and a proper understanding of the American founding.” TLDR; Christian nationalism.

Walters said he formed the committee to prevent “political slanted viewpoints” and “indoctrination,” yet he handpicked a roster of exclusively far-right religious radicals. It includes Dennis Prager of PragerU (who has admitted he wants to indoctrinate children), Robert Pondiscio of the American Enterprise Institute, pseudo-historian David Barton of WallBuilders, Kevin Roberts of The Heritage Foundation, and David Goodwin of the Association of Classical Christian Schools.

These aren’t historians, academics, educators, or even Oklahomans. So, what could their social studies standards look like? Well, PragerU’s curriculum includes a video titled, “What’s Wrong with Atheism?” And WallBuilders recommends reading “What’s So Great About Christianity.” These, Walters says, are “some of the brightest minds available,” and “their unparalleled expertise will help craft new academic standards that will serve as a model for the nation.”

Unfortunately, we have every reason to believe Christian nationalists in other states will continue these unconstitutional attempts to Christianize our secular public schools. But, with your generous support and the tireless leadership of our State Directors, American Atheists will keep fighting to protect students from religious indoctrination, to oppose the privatization of our public schools, and to promote evidence-based academic standards.

In solidarity,

Nick Fish

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

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