On Wednesday, American Atheists announced a bold new plan—one that clarifies our objectives, outlines the strategies we’ll use to achieve them, and defines the values that will guide us there.

This organization has been around for more than six decades now. Of course, a lot has happened in that time: our country has changed, and our nonreligious community has grown. So, too, must we change and grow.

When we began this year-long strategic planning process, I wanted us to be intentional about doing things differently. As a woman, an atheist, and a longtime LGBTQ+ advocate, it was important to me that we engage a group of voices as diverse as our secular community. We solicited feedback from members, community leaders, activists and advocacy partners. But we didn’t shy away from talking to the critics and detractors that weren’t in our corner or even in the same room.

The result of all that work is so much more than words on a page.

In the end, we developed a comprehensive strategy for the future with the input of more than 34,000 people, hundreds of focus group participants, and dozens of organizations through surveys, over 200 stakeholder interviews, and conversations across all levels of American Atheists. When we looked at the data and listened to those voices, the message was loud and clear: We must do more to meet the challenges of today because the stakes have never been higher.

The ideological divide in our country is reaching a tipping point. Threats and acts of political violence are on the rise. Trust in public institutions is at an all-time low. Misinformation is rampant. People, including those in positions of great power, are abandoning the very notion of democracy in favor of theocracy. The wall between religion and government is crumbling. And all of this is happening now and happening fast.

These are difficult times, but with a renewed drive and a clear direction, American Atheists stands ready to lead the way.

We are empowered by our people—dedicated and passionate experts on the staff and on the ground. While other organizations are decreasing their support for grassroots efforts, we’re doubling down. And while some organizations simply go through the motions of strategic planning to produce a document, we utilized this process to build consensus with existing partners and a coalition of future allies. Because we recognize we are trying to build an organization and a broader movement that reflects an increasingly diverse community with an ever-expanding range of needs that need to be met.

What we didn’t do was rely solely on Nick as President or me as Board Chair to chart this course. The problem with that approach is that leaders—even effective or charismatic ones—can be separated from the actual work. Nick and I bring a wealth of experience and expertise, but so do our volunteers, staff, and supporters like you.

Meeting the challenges of 2024 and anticipating the ones we’ll face in the years to come requires us to invest in new ways of reaching more people, and inspiring more action than ire. We must focus on building more bridges—a relatable, coalitional, and functional infrastructure to effect meaningful change.

To quote American Atheists founder Madalyn Murray O’Hair, “An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said.” Sam McGuire, our National Field Director, puts it more succinctly:

Let’s do the thing,

Jen Scott
Board Chair

PS: As a nonprofit organization, American Atheists depends on the generosity of our members to do this vital work of protecting civil rights, advancing political equality, and achieving social inclusion for atheists and other nonreligious people.

You can show your support for this ambitious plan and the incredible team that will make it all happen by making a tax-deductible gift today.

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

American Atheists
225 Cristiani Street
Cranford, NJ 07016
United States

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