I am thrilled to announce the launch of our bold, ambitious strategic plan for the coming years. If you attended our national conference in Philadelphia, you caught a glimpse of the outline. Today, for the first time, all our members can see how we leveraged input from members, staff, board, and partners to create one cohesive, action-focused plan.

There’s no fluff, no corporate speak, and we didn’t spend money on consultants and designers. This is a plan that incorporates lessons from our first 60 years and lays the groundwork for the next 60. And it’s a plan that will protect our rights, empower our community, and make it easier to be an atheist in America.

Enough talk. Here is the plan.

Your continued support makes all of our work possible. Please consider becoming a strategic partner by making a special donation to help implement this ambitious plan. You can do so at this donation link, or by mailing a gift to our office at 225 Cristiani Street, Cranford, NJ 07016. Please note on your check that you want to support the strategic plan.

I am incredibly proud of what our team has created and grateful for the time, talent, and experience everyone put into it. Now let’s get it done.


Nick Fish

American Atheists is a 501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization that relies on the support of members like you. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 74-2466507 and our Combined Federal Campaign number is 52217.

American Atheists
225 Cristiani Street
Cranford, NJ 07016
United States

Copyright 2015 NYCA
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